Kamala Surayya Quotes : Bio, Award, Books, Message, Image, Kamala Surayya is a famous poet of English or Malayalam language, she started her career in the field of literature with her autobiography named “My Story”, it got immense fame at national and international level, which made many people know her.
In today’s article, we will know in detail about Kamala Surayya life character, biography, literary awards, autobiography, family awards etc.
Kamala Surayya wiki, Biography
Name poetess Kamala | Kamala Surayya (Kamala Das) |
Date of Birth | March 31, 1934 |
Place of Birth | Kerala |
Father’s name | also. M. Nair |
Died | May 31, 2009 |
Husband | Madhav Das |
Official Website | Click Now |
Kamala Surayya Career
She was born on March 31, 1934 in Kerala, India, she was fond of writing novels and poetry since birth, due to which she started writing poetry, her husband’s name was Madhavdas and her family’s condition was very weak,
Due to various family circumstances, she had to face a lot of difficulties, due to which she prepared her autobiography after hard work, which was published as “Meri Kahani” and it was so famous and controversial that it has been translated into more than 15 foreign languages. It has been translated, due to which it gained fame in many countries.
Kamala’s English works include ‘The Siren’, ‘Summer in Calcutta’, ‘The Descendants’, ‘The Old House and Other Poems’, ‘Alphabets of Lust’. Twelve books like ‘Stories’ ‘The Anna Malai Poems’ and ‘Padmavati the Harlot and Other Poems’. etc. have been published.
Kamala Surayya Quotes
“I am sinner, I am saint. I am the beloved and the betrayed. I have no joys that are not yours, no aches which are not yours. I too call myself I.”
Kamala Suraiyya Das
“I am a woman in search of her own voice, her own identity, her own desires.”
A book is a good substitute for a man. Fiction, preferably
Wipe out the paints, unmould the clay, Let nothing remain of that yesterday

“To love a man as a woman is like dancing on broken glass.”
You didn’t ever love him, but you were sentimental about him.
“I am being drowned by my husband, my father, and my brother – I am being pushed against my will into my tomb.”
“My heart feels small in my body, like a drop of water in a bucket, surrounded by parched earth.”

“Why do you love this man who offers you only pain?”
Kamala Suraiyya Das
“I do not want to be a mere reflection of a man; I want to be the sun, shining bright in my own sky.”
kamala Surayya quotes malayalam
“في أي ساعة مناسبة
Kamalā Sur̲ayya, رنين الثريا
بصرتُ بأبوابك المشرعة
وخطوتُ نحو النور
وأزحتُ الأستار المظلمة
ونسيتُ كل الآلام
في قدمي
وأنا أرتقي الدرج.”
“لقد كنت دائما أسمع
Kamalā Sur̲ayya, رنين الثريا
أن الإسلام بحيرة،
تختبئ في أعماقها الأخطار:
في هذه المياه المصبوغة بالاخضرار
أفاع بعيون خضراء،
وسرطانات تنفث سموما؛
وبخوف قاتل مضيت بعيدا.”

“إنني أشكرك من أعماق قلبي
Kamalā Sur̲ayya, رنين الثريا
على الترياق
وأيضا على السم..”
“إنني أبحث عنك في كل مكان،
Kamalā Sur̲ayya, رنين الثريا
في يأسي المُوحش
يمينا ويسارا
أماما وخلفا
في شوق عظيم
أجري باحثة عنك
في جهالة
غزال المسك..”

“أمسك بقوّة
Kamalā Sur̲ayya, رنين الثريا
هذه الرُوح المرتجفة”
kamala surayya poems
Summer in Calcutta by Kamala Das
What is this drink but
The April sun, squeezed
Like an orange in
My glass? I sip the
Fire, I drink and drink
Again, I am drunk
Yes, but on the gold
of suns, What noble
venom now flows through
my veins and fills my
mind with unhurried
laughter? My worries
doze. Wee bubblesring
my glass, like a brides’
nervous smile, and meet
my lips. Dear, forgive
this moments lull in
wanting you, the blur
in memory. How
brief the term of my
devotion, how brief
your reign when i with
glass in hand, drink, drink,
and drink again this
Juice of April suns.
A Hot Noon In Malabar by Kamala Das
This is a noon for beggars with whining
Voices, a noon for men who come from hills
With parrots in a cage and fortune-cards,
All stained with time, for brown Kurava girls
With old eyes, who read palm in light singsong
Voices, for bangle-sellers who spread
On the cool black floor those red and green and blue
Bangles, all covered with the dust of roads,
Miles, grow cracks on the heels, so that when they
Clambered up our porch, the noise was grating,
Strange……… This is a noon for strangers who part
The window-drapes and peer in, their hot eyes
Brimming with the sun, not seeing a thing in
Shadowy rooms and turn away and look
So yearningly at the brick-ledged well. This
Is a noon for strangers with mistrust in
Their eyes, dark, silent ones who rarely speak
At all, so that when they speak, their voices
Run wild, like jungle-voices. Yes, this is
A noon for wild men, wild thoughts, wild love. To
Be here, far away, is torture. Wild feet
Stirring up the dust, this hot noon, at my
Home in Malabar, and I so far away ……..
kamala surayya award
- Nominated for the ‘Nobel Prize’ in the year 1984. (1984)
- ‘Sahitya Akademi Award’ (1985)
- ‘Asian Poetry Prize’ (1998)
- ‘Kent Prize’ (1999)
- ‘Asian Worlds Award’ (2000)
- Asian Pen Anthology Award (1964)
- ‘Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award’ 1969 (for ‘Cold’)
- ‘Vayalor Award’ (2001)
- ‘D. Honorary Degree of Litt by Calicut University (2006)
kamala surayya books
- The Sirens [दि साइरंस] (1964)
- Summer in Calcutta [समर इन कलकत्ता](1965)
- The Descendants [दि डेस्केंडेंट्स] (1967)
- The Old Playhouse and Other Poems [दि ओल्ड प्लेहाउस एंड अदर पोएम्स](1973)
- Collected Poems Vol. 1 [कॉलेकटेड पोएम्स वाल्यूम एक](1984)
- The Anamalai Poems [दि अनमलाई पोएम्स](1985)
- Only the Soul Knows How to Sing [ओनली दि सोल नोज हाऊ टू सिंग](1996)
- Yaa Allah [या अल्लाह] (2001) 8.My grandmother’s house (मेरी दादी का मकान)(1965)