Happy International Red Panda Day 2024: History, Quotes, Theme, Key Facts

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Happy International Red Panda Day was first celebrated on 18 September 2010, since then it is celebrated every year on the third Saturday of September, International Red Panda Day 2024: History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts.

Last year this Red Panda Day was celebrated on 18th September, whereas this time it is being celebrated on 17th September.

Happy Red Panda Day Purpose & Celebration

PurposeTo raise awareness about Red Pandas and their conservation
DateThird Saturday of September
Year of First Celebration2010
Organized byRed Panda Network

Red Panda Day: Year 2024 Theme

The theme of International Red Panda Day 2022 is“save red pandas from extinction.” 

2022Protect Our Forests, Save Red Pandas
2021Save Red Pandas, Save Forests
2020Red Pandas: The Forest Guardians
2019Red Pandas: Small Animal, Big Impact
2018Red Pandas: The Next Generation
Happy International Red Panda Day

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International Red Panda Day 2024: Facts about, Quotes

We must save the habitat of red pandas.

Let us shower red pandas with our love and care.

Happy International Red Panda Day

Red pandas are looking at us for some help.

Let us be kind and warm to the cute red pandas.

Saving red pandas is saving our planet.

International Red Panda Day

It is the duty of each one of us to come forward and offer help to the red pandas who have lost their families and habitats because of human intervention. Happy International Red Panda Day.

The occasion of International Red Panda Day is a reminder to all of us that red pandas need our attention. Happy International Red Panda Day to everyone.

International Red Panda Day 2022 History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts ,Red Panda Day theme, Red Panda Day quotes, Red Panda Day image,

Wishing a very Happy International Red Panda Day to you. Let us come together to work towards making our planet a safer place for red pandas.

“The Red Panda is a precious symbol of our fragile forests and their rich biodiversity.” – Li Bingbing

“The Red Panda is a charismatic species that captures people’s hearts and minds.” – Wendy Wright

Wishing a very Happy International Red Panda Day to everyone. Red pandas are asking for help and therefore, we must come together to help them.

“We must protect the Red Panda and its habitat for the sake of all living beings.” – Dr. Jane Goodall

International Red Panda Day 2022 History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts ,Red Panda Day theme, Red Panda Day quotes, Red Panda Day image,

They are the cutest and the most adorable species and they need our help. Wishing a very Happy International Red Panda Day to you my dear.

Whether you love red pandas or not, we must do our little bit in order to keep them protected and safe. Warm wishes on International Red Panda Day to you.

International Red Panda Day 2022 History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts ,Red Panda Day theme, Red Panda Day quotes, Red Panda Day image,

The occasion of International Red Panda Day is a reminder to all of us that red pandas need our attention. Happy International Red Panda Day to everyone.

International Red Panda Day 2022 History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts ,Red Panda Day theme, Red Panda Day quotes, Red Panda Day image,

Wishing a very Happy International Red Panda Day. Red pandas are asking for help and therefore, we must come together to help them.

“Red Pandas are unique and fascinating animals that deserve our attention and conservation efforts.” – Russell Mittermeier

International Red Panda Day 2022 History, Significance, Quotes, Theme, Images and Key Facts ,Red Panda Day theme, Red Panda Day quotes, Red Panda Day image,

Let us make it a memorable International Red Panda Day.

It is important to join hands to save red pandas.

International Red Panda Day Quotes in hindi

“आओ इस अंतरराष्ट्रीय लाल पांडा दिवस पर हम सभी मिलकर लाल पांडा के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाएं।”

“दुनिया में कुछ चीजों की खूबसूरती आपको शांति देती है, लाल पांडा उनमें से एक है।”

“हमें लाल पांडा के संरक्षण के लिए समय नहीं है, हमें अब संरक्षण की जरूरत है।”

“लाल पांडा नहीं बस एक जानवर है, बल्कि वह एक अमूल्य संपदा है जो हमें संरक्षण करना चाहिए।”

“हमारी जिंदगी भी लाल पांडा की तरह ही मूल्यवान है, हमें इसे संरक्षित रखना चाहिए।”

When is International Red Panda Day celebrated?

Red Panda Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September each year.

What is the purpose of International Red Panda Day?

Awareness about red pandas and their conservation status.

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